2020 was certainly a year unlike any other. If you’re breathing a huge sigh of relief that it’s finally over, you’re in good company. As we look forward to a brand-new year, and one (hopefully) filled with a lot more happiness, we’ve decided to ditch the resolutions altogether and live life to the fullest instead.

Here are a few of our favourite ways to start 2021:

Invest in a new journal that can hold all your ideas, ambitions, book recommendations, recipes, and doodles. Journaling is a great way to keep track of what matters most and give you a lift when you need some much-needed inspiration.




Whether you’re giving your time, money, expertise (or all three), even the smallest acts of charity can make a positive difference in our community – and we can never have too much of that.




You don’t have to spring clean your house from top to bottom but giving your favourite little corner a little TLC can do wonders for your mood.




If last year taught us anything it’s that the world can change in an instant. Instead of keeping that dress at the back of your cupboard for a special occasion, or saving your favourite perfume for birthdays and anniversaries, we say wear the dress, light the luxury candle, savour the expensive choices and share those special moments with those you love most.


Here’s to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021!

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